Benefits of Having Z Fold Printed Materials for Your Business

Benefits of Having Z Fold Printed Materials for Your Business

  • Folding Maps
  • Trade-show / Expo marketing ideas
  • Pocket-Size Marketing

While customers seemingly have everything at their fingertips through smartphones, there are still many benefits to using brochures.

Providing high quality printed material to your customers is a low-cost introduction to your business or product and often the first interaction they will have with you.

First impressions need be the best impression, so read on to learn how z fold printed materials can benefit you and your business!

Ease of Use

Z folds are one of the more straightforward folds that are commonly used for maps and brochures. When held face-up by the cover sheet and dropped towards the floor, the shape facing you will look like a Z. And as far as folding and unfolding go, this one is easy to comprehend.

Providing an easy to use, folded product for your business will show your customers that you care about the information you provide. They surely will appreciate the usability and thoughtfulness that went into your design choices.

If you were to open a map or brochure only to struggle with refolding it, how likely would you be to open it and use it again?

Stand Out From Competitors

How often do you see a z fold? Not very often. One of the many z fold benefits is that you'll differentiate yourself from the competition.

The most common brochure you'll find is a tri-fold. A tri-fold differs from a z fold in that both panels fold inward, like how you would fold a letter in an envelope. A z fold alternates fold directions so that it opens like an accordion.

A pocket-sized z fold map will win the respect of your customers and the admiration of your competitors. Your typical 8x11 tri-fold brochure is an awkward size to carry around, thus reducing its usability. A pocket-size z fold will gain repeated use and keeping you at the forefront of your customer's mind.

Flexibility for Ease of Design

Z fold brochures are easy to design for a few reasons. When you fully open z fold printer materials all the way, you are faced with a full open page. That way, you don't have to restrict your design to fit on a single panel. As a design principle, you want to avoid overcrowding information. A z fold provides plenty of space to work with.

Conversely, since the panels are all the same size, it is easy to compartmentalize your information contained within its own panel. This can create a fluid delivery method for your content instead of the anticipation build-up and reveal the method used in tri-fold brochures.

How Can a Z Fold Work for You?

Whether you're creating a local area map or providing information through your z fold pocket-sized printed materials, there are many benefits that you will reap using a z fold.

We have templates available for you to get a good idea of what your product can look like. If you're interested in trying out a z fold brochure or map, call us today for a quote!
